Rubicon Shipping Container

Tradeshows are a huge part of the energy industry but often companies struggle to stand out among the crowds of light boxes, pop-up banners and white tents. We worked with Rubicon Oilfield International to do just that, stand out. Out-of-the-box thinking led to the design and coordination of a completely custom shipping container tailored to house an exhibitor space like no one had ever seen. Rubicon has used the completed container in both indoor and outdoor tradeshow spaces, standing out from the crowd and driving sales and partnerships.

It is not often in our careers that we have the opportunity to say, we know this is how it has always been, but we want to flip the norm on it’s head and try something new and the client says “Go for it!”. The scariest and most rewarding part about doing something completely new is making sure everything you intend the final outcome comes to fruition. We had to do research on shipping containers and how to procure one, how to transport the 10,000 lb container, apply graphics to the interior, choose paint colors, add electricity for the LED lights and TVs we wanted, decide on flooring and decking ourselves. By passing on big exhibition contractors due to their lack of diversity and cookie cutter options, we were able to outshine the others in the industry at the largest oil technology conference in the country. Not only did this exhibition need to be an experience, it needed to prove it’s return on investment. We were able to transport the container experience into at ATCE conference several months later in an interior space.


Project Management
3D Development


Rubicon Oilfield International

